Friday, September 20, 2024

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January 11, 2012 8:15 p.m.

Safe to take after expiration date?

The expiration date on bottles of over-the-counter and prescription medications tells consumers how long the drug contained within will maintain full potency and safety under ideal storage conditions.

Inspectors arrest 15 in prescription drug case
August 21, 2011 9 p.m.

Inspectors arrest 15 in prescription drug case

Opiates originated from Tijuana pharmacies

SAN DIEGO - U.S. border inspectors are not only seizing drugs coming into the country from Mexico - they're making arrests for drug smuggling that's going the other way.

June 9, 2017 1 a.m.

PILLS: Drug companies questioned

I would like to sound off about our pharmaceutical companies and our pharmacies. In the last four months my prescriptions have changed makers four times. With each change, my pills have gotten weaker and weaker. The pharmacies are buying from the cheapest pharmaceutical companies, not caring that they are being made in China. They both only care about the money. No one is thinking about the person taking the medicine.

December 8, 2011 8:15 p.m.

No over-the-counter for Plan B pill

Election-year politics seen in move by Obama administration

WASHINGTON (AP) - In a surprise move with election-year implications, the Obama administration's top health official overruled her own drug regulators and stopped the Plan B morning-after pill from moving onto drugstore shelves next to the condoms.

April 18, 2012 9 p.m.

Even a little too much

Much has been made recently of the potential risk posed by taking too much acetaminophen (Tylenol). As a result, the FDA has set the maximum dose of acetaminophen at 4,000 milligrams over a 24-hour period. In addition to the attention being paid to single overdoses (when a person takes too many pills at once), new evidence has emerged that reveals the dangers of so-called "staggered overdoses." This term refers to taking even slightly too much acetaminophen over a period of several days.

April 18, 2010 9 p.m.

Is it safe to buy pet meds online?

Dear PropellerHeads: I'm hoping to save a little money. Is it safe to buy my pet medicines from an online pet pharmacy?

November 28, 2012 8 p.m.

Are online pharmacies legitimate?

If you think that you'll get a bargain from an online pharmacy, think again. According to a 2012 analysis of nearly 1,000 online pharmacies by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP), which accredits online pharmacies and represents state pharmacy boards all over the United States, only around 3 percent appear to be legitimate. The NABP found that 85 percent of the online drugstores it looked into do not require a valid prescription from the consumer's physician, and nearly half provided foreign drugs or medications not approved by the FDA. While there are Canadian online pharmacies that are legitimately regulated, many websites that purport to be Canadian are not. Worse yet, you may not even get the drug you ordered.

Over-the-counter birth control? Drugmaker seeks FDA approval
July 11, 2022 11:10 a.m.

Over-the-counter birth control? Drugmaker seeks FDA approval

Many conservative groups stress they are only interested in curtailing abortion

May 23, 2012 9:15 p.m.

Dangers of overprescribing kids' antibiotics

Parents must carefully consult with their children's pediatricians before deciding to treat their kids with antibiotics. It is important for parents to understand that prescribing antibiotics to children unnecessarily raises the risk of developing antibiotic-resistant infections in both the child and society as a whole. For this reason, health experts have been warning of the dangers of antibiotic over-prescription for years. Yet, a recent study involving nearly 65,000 outpatient visits by children under the age of 18 shows that pediatricians write more than 10 million unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions annually, mostly for respiratory conditions. About one-quarter of antibiotic prescriptions are given to children with respiratory conditions that will not respond to antibiotics, such as asthma, bronchitis, influenza and allergies.

Udall swipes at opponent's birth-control plan
September 6, 2014 9 p.m.

Udall swipes at opponent's birth-control plan

WHEAT RIDGE, Colo. - Democratic Sen. Mark Udall went after his opponent's proposal for over-the-counter birth control Friday, bringing big names to a suburban Denver battleground to argue that Rep. Cory Gardner's plan doesn't make him the "new kind of Republican" he has been claiming to be in ads.

February 29, 2012 8:15 p.m.

Do you take OTC medications seriously?

According to one survey, nearly one-third of consumers polled said that they did not consider over-the-counter (OTC) medications to be as "serious" as prescribed medications. Are you among those who think this way?

November 9, 2011 8:15 p.m.

Generic-drug tsunami warning!

Patients currently taking prescription drugs should know that, over the coming months, an unprecedented number of expiring drug patents will unleash a virtual tsunami of generic drugs.

March 14, 2012 9:15 p.m.

Obesity and medication use

While prescription medication use is high among all age groups in this country, especially among older adults, obese U.S. adults use more of a number of particular prescription drugs than adults of normal weight. These include medications to treat high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels (at the top of this most-used group), followed by drugs used to treat diabetes, asthma and thyroid problems, as well as antidepressants and painkillers. Obese patients were also as likely as adults over the age of 65 to be taking multiple medications at once. Members of both groups should understand that taking multiple prescription drugs increases the risk of "adverse events." With this in mind, a review with the pharmacist may be in order.

December 12, 2012 8 p.m.

Does zinc shorten colds?

Head colds seem to be the bane of our existence. With a real cure continuing to elude us, we continue to try all variety of medications that will relieve head-cold symptoms and shorten the illness' duration. In this latter category of over-the-counter medications, it has been suggested that zinc lozenges or syrup would be effective. To find out, researchers recently analyzed data of 17 trials involving more than 2,000 individuals. They found that those taking zinc were able to reduce the duration of their colds by about a day and a half (compared with those taking placebos). Moreover, larger doses of zinc were found to work even better, especially among adults (compared with children).

December 19, 2012 8 p.m.

Even nice kids get lice

When children get head lice, parents should remember that the presence of these tiny parasitic insects has nothing to do with dirt. Instead, lice infestations are related to the type of close contact that children are exposed to at school. In addition, children pose rather easy targets for lice because the little creatures are better able to cling to fine hair of thin diameter. Moreover, children often share combs, brushes, hats and other objects that spread lice. The first telltale sign of lice is usually itching behind the ears, on the scalp and at the nape of the neck. Treatment largely consists of an over-the-counter medicated shampoo or rinse containing permethrin or the recently FDA-approved comb-free shampoo ivermectin.

February 25, 2010 6:29 a.m.

REFORM: U.S. drug costs grossly inflated

We have been hearing a lot about medical health reform lately from our government. This weekend I had an experience that relates directly to this situation.

March 7, 2012 8:15 p.m.

More poisonings than auto deaths

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, more Americans died of poisonings than in automobile crashes during the most recent year for which there are available statistics. That means that poisoning is now the leading cause of injury death in this country.